Why Choose Simply Perfect
Our Experience
We’ve planned hundreds of Queenstown weddings, literally over 600 and counting! So chances are we’ve worked at the venue you are looking at, and also know the best team to pull together for your wedding day for you – from photographers to celebrants, hire companies to transport providers and everything in between…we’ve been there and done that, so go ahead…use our experience and expertise to ensure that your wedding day is as simple and stress free as possible!
Our Flexibility
It’s no secret that we’ve been doing weddings here in Queenstown for quite a while (over 11 years now!), and we’ve built up an awesome network of vendors and suppliers that we trust and know will exceed your expectations! One of the best parts about our wedding packages is that we can tailor them to suit your personal preferences so that your wedding day matches your very own style and preferences. You won’t be locked into just one photographer, videographer or one celebrant option…we are all about CHOICE and will be happy to work with you to make sure that you have YOUR wedding…your way!
Value for Money
Our Local Knowledge
We’ve been based here in Queenstown planning weddings for over 11 years, and our director has been a Queenstown local for 15 years…so we’ve got all that local knowledge that comes in handy when planning a wedding, along with all the other ‘local knowledge’ you’ll need for your trip here in Queenstown! Just ask…we can help with a wide range of things from pre/post wedding activities and functions through to when the best time to ski/ride our local mountains…and we are experts at navigating the sometimes tricky Queenstown weather, ensuring you’ve always got a great Plan B in place for your wedding day too!
Bottom line is we are confident that we offer the best value for money alongside the most flexible and best service available for your Queenstown wedding! But no need to take our word for it…hop on over to see what our past Simply Perfect wedding couples have had to say here, here and here!
If you’re keen to see how we can help bring your Queenstown wedding dreams to life, just drop us a line by clicking on the link below!